All the Time In The World
All the Time in the World is a though provoking and personal documentary that offers a sociological commentary on what today’s life has evolved into for most of us and what happens when a courageous family chooses a seemingly simpler life.
Beast of the Water
A research group makes a curious discovery that may lead to the fountain of youth. Meanwhile, an ancient Native American fable sends an ominous warning that those who disrespect nature…
The Most Beautiful Day
A young man named Sherman survives the apocalypse in a soviet-style alternate reality and when trying to find his place outside an isolated city, gets stuck in an underground bunker.
Santa Claus: The Movie
The first half of this film, set hundreds of years ago, shows how the old man who eventually became Santa Claus was given immortality and chosen to deliver toys to…
Look Up
During a break on a rooftop, Teco, a young baker, notices the intriguing fall of a strange bird. He decides to venture to the next roof to have a closer…
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