A documentary portrait of Utopia, loosely framed by Plato’s invocation of the lost continent of Atlantis in 360 BC and its re-resurrection via a 1970s science fiction pulp novel.
Live from New York!
Saturday Night Live has been reflecting and influencing life in the United States for forty years. LIVE FROM NEW YORK! goes deep inside this television phenomenon exploring the laughter that…
I Am Greta
Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old student in Sweden, started a school strike for the climate as her question for adults was, if you don’t care about my future on earth, why…
Under the shadow of Mount Kenya, young Maasai Warriors have remarkably formed a cricket team. In a community deep with tradition, where female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a rite…
Ninja Shadow Warriors
Bowie: The Man Who Changed the World
Experience an inside look at David Bowie’s incredible influence on music, art and culture via interviews with some of the people who knew him best.
Crime After Crime
The story of the battle to free Debbie Peagler, an incarcerated survivor of brutal domestic violence. Over 26 years in prison cannot crush the spirit of this determined African-American woman,…
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist, as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability.
The Fidel Castro Tapes
In 1959, Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba. He has been one of the most controversial figures in the world ever since. This is the story of the Cuban…
Supergiant Animals
Steve Backshall travels across the world to encounter the most charismatic supergiant animals and discovers the remarkable things that their size enables them to do. Highlights include Steve swimming with…
The Wildest Dream
Uses astonishing visuals to tell the intersecting stories of George Mallory, the first man to attempt a summit of Mount Everest, and Conrad Anker, the mountaineer who finds Mallory’s frozen…
Love, Antosha
From a prolific career in film and television, Anton Yelchin left an indelible legacy as an actor. Through his journals and other writings, his photography, the original music he wrote,…
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