Based on a Japanese manga, “Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu,” this story revolves around Kang Han-na (Kim Ah-jung), an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist for Ammy, a famous Korean pop…
A 15-year-old circus ringmaster Wei-wei is left all alone with gorilla Ling-ling after grandfather passes away. Thanks to her grandfather’s love for baseball, Ling-ling was trained to play baseball and…
Having died unexpectedly, firefighter Ja-hong is taken to the afterlife by 3 afterlife guardians. Only when he passes 7 trials over 49 days and proves he was innocent in human…
Along With the Gods: The Last 49 Days follows the journey of 3 Afterlife Guardians and Su-hong as they journey through their 49th trial in order to gain their reincarnations…