Secondhand Lions
“Secondhand Lions” follows the comedic adventures of an introverted boy left on the doorstep of a pair of reluctant, eccentric great-uncles, whose exotic remembrances stir the boy’s spirit and re-ignite the men’s lives.
Keywords:Afrikan salaisuudet Afrikas hemligheter Brugte løver Dos viejos cascarrabias El secreto de los McCann Le secret des frères McCann Leharcolt oroszlánok Leones de segunda mano Les vieux lions Lições para Toda a Vida Lições para Toda Vida Löwen aus zweiter Hand Matori lavovi Os Meus Fabulosos Tios Ultima aventura Vanad lõvid Wakacje Waltera Подержанные львы Уморените лъвове
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