The story unfolds through a present-day encounter of an older man, Gunther, and a rebellious teenager, DJ, as the story of Father Max teaches the young boy about love and…
In the autumn of 1900, outlaw Claude Barbee puts his ‘retirement plan’ in action, attempting to lead his train-robbing gang across Texas to recover a cash stash hidden after a…
Two free-spirited stoners find themselves catapulted into 2016 after smoking some top secret pot created by the CIA in 1986. With 30 years of their lives lost, these now balding…
Frustrated by the status quo, fifteen-year-old Sean Crawford takes his dad’s Tesla for a joy ride to see his crush – except he doesn’t have a license and zero clue…
Sins of Our Youth is the story of four teenagers who accidentally murder a younger boy while shooting off assault weapons recreationally and the perilous decisions they make in the…
Three young women were sentenced to death in the infamous Manson murder case, but when the death penalty was lifted, their sentence became life imprisonment. One young graduate student was…