The film, based on the William Sirls book, follows a small-town pastor, his wife and their sick child as a mysterious man is sent to give them hope. Sirls adapted…
A young woman bound in the front seat of a parked car watches helpless as her captor methodically digs a grave in the desert ground. The bloody lifeless body of…
The film is made up of futuristic, high concept stories about artificial intelligence. Whether it’s love found in time of over-population or exploration of the unknown and space-travel, “A.I. Tales”…
A sociopath gathers and drugs groups of college students to bring out their existing suicidal tendencies to the surface then walks among them to enjoy and record their deaths.
London Bridges, a fast rising Hollywood starlet, with her pampered pomeranian Latte in tow, arrives on location for “There Will Be Oil” to see that she won’t be receiving the…