The Circus
Charlie, a wandering tramp, becomes a circus handyman and falls in love with the circus owner’s daughter. Unaware of Charlie’s affection, the girl falls in love with a handsome young performer. Charlie’s versatility makes him star of the show when he substitutes for an ailing tightwire walker. He is discharged from the company when he protects the girl from her father’s abuse, but he returns and appeals to the handsome performer to marry the girl. After the wedding the father prevails upon them to rejoin the circus. Charlie is hired again, but he stays behind when the caravan moves on.
Keywords:A cirkusz Circul Circus Cirkas Cirkus Cyrk Der Zirkus El circo El circo de Charles Chaplin Il circo Le cirque O Charlot sto tsirko O Circo Sirk Sirkus To tsirko Zirkus Цирк Циркът
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